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  • Privacy PolicyIn this agreement “we” or “us” refers to My Legal Briefcase.  This document serves as a notice to inform you of our policy regarding all your information recorded by us, not excluding information that could not be used to identify you.It is our priority to keep your information confidential.  We understand that our users may be concerned about the potential of their private data falling into third-party hands or that their data could be used for other unintended purposes.If you do not agree with one or more of the below-mentioned points, kindly exit our website.  Your personally identifiable data will not be sold, shared or disclosed to any third party.

    Below is a list of data we collect from you along with reasons as to why we need this information:

    • Basic identification information and contact details:

    This information will be used:

    1. for verification of identity for security purposes;
    2. to provide the services you requested;
    3. to market our products and services.
    4. Information that cannot be used to identify you may be used by either us or third parties to give insight into demographics and page/service usage.
    • Market place information:

    Information collected by us for the explicit reason to purchase a product off our website offered by a third party will be made available to that third party as it is our assumption that by providing the information you are also giving consent for us to pass it on to the relevant individuals.

    • Your email address and domain name:

    Our servers recognise your email address and domain name and we record the pages you visit.

    Under no circumstances will this information be divulged to anyone who is not employed by us.  This information is guarded on a strict need-to-know basis and will be used:

    1. for correspondence with you;
    2. for quality control purposes;
    3. to send any newsletters you have signed up for and
    4. to inform you of other relative services or products offered by us or our sister-websites.
    • Information posted by you on our website:

    Our servers will store any information you post on a blog, forum or advertisement.  We reserve the right to do what we want with this information.  However it will mainly be used by allowing it to be read.

    • Information regarding website usage:
      1. It is within our rights to use embedded software on our website to gather information regarding the time spent per page, the way you get to a page and what you do when you are on a page as well as our performance in providing relevant, useful content. Currently we do not associate this information with any individuals.
    • Financial information regarding credit cards:

    We will never collect any credit card information from you.  Upon check-out you will be transferred to PayFast’s secure page.  This page is not under our control and none of our employees have access to this.

    • Credit reference:

    To avoid fraud we will provide information to credit reference agencies as far as it pertains to customers or clients who instructed their credit provider to cancel payment for our services/products without first giving us an acceptable reason and the opportunity to refund them.

    • Personal and business information:

    Including all the information you give us during the course of our business in your capacity as a client of My Legal Briefcase.  The confidentiality of such information as well as the integrity of our relationship will be protected by us and this information will not be used for any other purposes.  It is our expectation that you reciprocate this policy.

    Any information forming a part of our business records will be kept for the minimum time of 6 years for legal and tax reasons.

    • Cookies:

    We do not make use of cookies.

    • Third party advertising:

    Any third party advertising on our website may make use of technology that automatically obtains your IP address when an advertisement appears on our site that is open in your browser.  These parties may also make use of other technology like cookies or JavaScript to measure advertisement performance and personalise their content.  We have no control over the data these parties collect or the technology they use.  Accordingly our privacy policy does not pertain to the information practices of such parties.

    • Complaining:

    Upon receipt of a complaint, we record the data provided by you and use it to resolve your complaint.  In the event that your complaint requires us – within reason – to contact another person, we may decide to divulge to that person some of the information you provided in your complaint.  We avoid doing this as far as possible but the relay of information proved in a complaint remains a matter of our sole discretion.

    • Sending of messages to our support desk:

    The information given by you in a message to our support system will be recorded to serve as confirmation of your entitlement to receive the information and to provide you the information you require.  Your request and our reply will be recorded in order to improve the efficiency of our business.

    • Content provided by you:

    We do not accept responsibility for what a third party may do with any information you provide us with the intention of it being read, downloaded and copied.  The responsibility for privacy protection on your content rests on you.  You cannot control what third parties may do with information you make globally public.

    • Marketing information:

    With your consent we may provide your name and email address to associates we feel may provide products or services that could be useful to you.  You may request to opt out by sending an email to

    • Information obtained from third parties by us:

    While we do not disclose any of your personal information to a third party (except where we indicate differently in this notice), we do receive data from software services – that is not identifiable to you – indirectly constructed from your personal information.

    • Affiliate information:

    This includes any information you have given us in your capacity as our client or customer or as our affiliate.  This information is collected for business use alone.  We will preserve such information and the terms of the relationship we have with you.  This information will not be used for any other reason.  We expect all our affiliates to reciprocate this policy.  In an exception to this, we retain the right to disclose the URL of your affiliate connection and your first name to any other organisation, person or affiliate, both on and off site.  The purpose of this is to allow us to mention winners and anyone whose performance as an affiliate of us is outstanding.

    • Children using our site:

    No children under the age of 18 years is allowed to use our site unless they have consent from their parent or guardian.

    • Disclosure to government and government agencies:

    Just like everyone else, we are subject to the law.  In the event that legal authorities request information from us or have a legal warrant or court order to collect information from us, we will be required to comply.

    • Review or update of personally identifiable information:

    You may at any time review or update any personally identifiable information we have of you by contacting us at the provided email address.  In an effort to better safeguard your personal information, reasonable steps will be towards verification of identity before we grant access or make any changes to your information.

    • Sale of personal information:

    Other than the above specifications we will not sell, rent or disclose any of your personal data to anyone outside of our business.

    • Compliance with the law:

    This privacy policy has been compiled in compliance with the relevant jurisdiction we aim to conduct our business in.

    • Removal of your information:

    Should you wish to remove your personally identifiable information from our database you may contact us at  In an effort to safeguard your information we will require verification of identity before granting any access to your information.







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